Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The further out from downtown Cairo, the more the landscape begins to resemble the above: dense multi-story housing in the form of concrete frame buildings with red brick infill, many of them with unfinished rooftops, as if they will be built up further in the future.


  1. I got a little anxious just reading about crossing the street.

  2. You should see what it's like driving. I havent managed to find a working seatbelt in any car Ive been a passenger of.

  3. i have been told the unfinished roofs are a means of dodging taxes (or fees of some sort). an unfinished building is not taxed as much as a finished building, so if your building is perpetually unfinished... well...

  4. Wow, really. Ill have to look into that. Looks like almost all of Cairo is taking a tax break then...
